Victor Svensson
Hi, I am Victor, founder of The Hybrid Experience

Victor Svensson
Experience Architect
dare to encounter the unknown
When I was little, I loved to take things apart to see how they work. Fixing, breaking, building, crashing was part of the process. I learned by experimenting and playing. The curiosity of why and how the world around us work the way it does, has always been a strong force to change things for the better. This is what The Hybrid Experience is all about. Our ambition is to find new, better ways to work and enable high performance organizations. I have been engaged in organizational development program and change management, together with colleagues, associates and partners, over the past 20 years. What I have experienced is that the key to success is collaboration. If people do not collaborate well, everything else fails. Before creating The Hybrid Experience, I spent 13 years working for HP Networking, an initially small incubation business that we grew to a multi $Billion business. The business went through change at break-neck speed and so did I. 14 jobs, 8 promotions and 12 managers in 13 years. Started as finance intern and finished as sales director.
I am a graduate of the INSEAD EMCCC program, where I explored the human dimension of change and organisational development, and most notably the notion of Roles, which was my Master thesis topic.
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