Discuss, Eat & Meet May 24 12.00-14.00
Dilemmas and their shadows

Friday May 24 2019
44 rue de Lausanne Geneva
Discuss, Eat & Meet
12:00-12:15 Arrival & Welcome
12:15-12:30 Dilemmas
12:30-14:00 Discuss, Eat & Meet
Dilemmas: If you cannot solve them, befriend them.
Are you sitting with some serious dilemmas? Are there things that keep you awake at night? Is your business and your team disrupted by its VUCA environment or currently driving or riding through big waves of change?
You are not alone, we all have dilemmas, no matter if you are the boss or employee of a large organisation, or a one man show. And what defines the outcome, might not be how fast you solve the dilemmas, but how you live with them while they are there. Trying to solve a dilemma and get rid of it, might actually be counterproductive…
Come and join for a bite and a chat. We will explore the concept of dilemmas together, we will share some experiences, and some alternative ideas of how to look at dilemmas. You will have the time and the space to reflect on your own dilemmas, perhaps discover new perspectives, and if you are a daredevil, share your thoughts with the group.
The shadow side of dilemmas…
While a dilemma can be described in rational terms, with pro’s and con’s, predicted outcome of a decision, and the risk associated, it might not be the whole story. Because if it was, it would be very easy to make the call, would it not?…
What is going on inside us when we face a dilemma. How are our own fears, blind spots and biases impacting how we handle them? Are our defense mechanisms in play, and why? What is going on inside us, but outside of our awareness?
We will take you on brief exploration tour of the shadowside of dilemmas, which will let you discover new aspects of problem solving and decision making, and even, if you want, new insights about yourself.

Who are we?

Victor Svensson, founder of The Hybrid Experience, and prior to that un unconventional financial controller and sales director in a very large IT company. If you want to know me better, check here
Teo Iordache, thinking both with his head, heart and gut, and with vast experience in NGO’s developing people, leadership and organisations. If you want to know me better, check here
Who are you?
This is a lunch session on invitation only. We welcome professionals who face dilemmas at work, and who are willing and able to learn, share and exchange with like-minded and diverse people. The purpose of the session is to explore concepts, real life and ideas, for mutual learning and insights. The idea is that we all walk away with a richer view on how to tackle dilemmas, and perhaps we also walk away with a newfound friend or two.
So if this sounds interesting, and you would like to join our Discuss, Eat and Meet session, please write us on info@hybrid-experience.com to receive an invitation.
We will serve a light, healthy lunch so you can get straight back to work with power and energy.
Cost participation 20 CHF
Friday May 24 2019
12:00-12:30 Arrival & Welcome
12:30-13:00 Demo A&O™
13:00-14:00 Eat & Meet
The event will be held at 44 rue de Lausanne, Geneva
5 min walk from Gare de Cornavin
Tram Line 15 towards Nations Stop: Mole