Organisational Development that works, for People & Business
The Business Experience gives people direction, inspiration, and hope. The Human Experience at work gives people meaning and connection which drives behavior that leads to action. Understanding the dynamic between the two allows for breakthrough change, results, and impact. We lead you through a Hybrid Experience that allows you to see the world in a different way, and perhaps influence new ways of how you look at yourself as well.
Enabling people to take charge and engage
We help clients realize their business intent. We enable better impact from transformation programs and strategic initiatives, we facilitate organisational transition into new ways of operating, and we help leaders and teams install effective & efficient collaboration across the organisation.
We do this by leading the participants through a Hybrid Experience, where we connect the Business Experience – working on the tangible aspects of the business and the organisation such as strategy, projects, roles, daily execution, with the Human Experience – understanding the emotional reactions, group dynamics, hidden assumptions, and other invisible forces at work.
The outcome is that individuals and teams can make sense of the often-complex situation they are in, take charge of their challenges at hand, act, and engage others.
Is the Human Experience coherent with the Business Experience in your organisation?
Our Services
Growing Business and helping People grow over time
We design complete programs from assessment to delivery. We also complement existing programs and projects, as well as engaging in ad hoc interventions, workshop facilitation and seminars. In all cases, you can expect an interactive and exciting Experience. Hybrid of course.
We facilitate Transformation Programs and strategic initiatives:
We help accelerating existing initiatives, ensure quality and impact of transformation. We also engage in complex problem solving, getting organisations un-stuck, and enables deep change & culture evolution.
Facilitating transition into new ways of operating.
We work both on a technical level with change, change projects and change management, as well as containing and supporting the psychological aspect of transition.
Facilitating collaboration and new ways of working
We do this with both on the job and off the job coaching. We coach individuals and groups. And we do this embedded in Transformation and Development programs, or as a stand-alone initiative.
We enable leadership & management evolution
We design and deliver experiential and experimental learning experiences for all audiences, covering the fundamentals for impactful management and leadership today and in the future.
The problem is the solution
In our engagements we create the conditions for good collaboration.
It has become more difficult to collaborate over the years. The role of the Manager and Leader in facilitating collaboration has decreased as the general workload has increased. Supporting processes for strategy and planning have eroded, the internal and external context has changed, and last but not least, the pandemic and shift to on-line did not make efficient and effective collaboration easier.
We build up fundamental principles and capabilities for functional and cross functional teams to collaborate well, together with our clients, and we facilitate and coach on the job to instill good practices.
The outcome is that participant are able to tackle business challenges, organisational issues, and complex problems together. This outcome sticks over time, since participants internalize good collaboration practices and bring tools with them back to work, so that the practices can be scaled and replicated.
We do not see our engagements as a product or service to sell, but as a collaboration project designed for mutual success.
Building up the future success together
Our role is to help you find the right solutions that works for you, rather than bringing “our solution” for you to implement. This way, you can leverage existing programs, tools, knowledge, and other assets in your organisation.
Rare are the cases where the lack of a new management method, leadership framework or strategy model is the bottle neck to change and to achieve business results. You have all the knowledge and content you need. We help you see new perspectives, make sense out of what you see and make it all work.
We facilitate the work blending consulting, coaching & learning. We are always hands on, drawing on our operational experience of business and organisational management.
The outcome is that those participating find agency, and develop their own capabilities to improve the business, the organisation, and grow as managers and leaders in the process.
Overcoming obstacles and resistance to change
In many organisations, the Business Experience is not connected with the Human Experience. The result is that the organisation struggles to grow, make profit, and transform. And this is why investments in consulting, coaching, and training do not yield the results expected and why teams get stuck & people disengage or burn out.
In every instance at work, there is a Human reaction, a “Human Experience”. It is rich, vivid, and most often invisible because it happens in one’s minds. When we do not pay attention to it, subtle resistance, and other invisible obstacles appear, which can derail everything.
Exploring the Human Experience & Business Experience together, makes the invisible issues visible, and actionable. This has the potential to put everything on track and execute according to expectations.
Achieving quick wins, change that sticks and a foundation for continuous improvement
- Explore & Discover New perspectives. We take clients on a journey for them to find out what they do not know that they do not know. We explore everything and anything together, and help them discover new ways forward.
- Act & Engage to ignite change. We lead to simple and powerful actions, starting with small steps, learn from experience and adapt. An approach that clients can scale and replicate for the entire organisation.
- Install sustainable practices to make it work. We help clients adopt a practice of continuous improvement, creating the right conditions for efficient and effective collaboration, that brings a virtuous circle of better performance and success.
Don’t know where to start?
Explore & Discover!
- 4-8 hour Workshop Work on a specific topic or the team’s situation in general
- Gain insight in a multitude of different perspectives
- Fun, interactive and stimulating work
- Great start for Change & Development, Problem Solving, Team Building
- Generates tangible output to address issues and improve Performance
- Call for more info… +41782097833
Direction, Inspiration, and Hope
Each employee, from the sales representative to the R&D Engineer, to the janitor, to the CEO, has a different experience of what the business is. A different interpretation of the business. We often ask managers, sometimes in the same team, to write down the company strategy, or purpose, or vision. And most of the time, we receive back widely different answers from the different managers. This is normal, but nevertheless problematic (and a great icebreaker exercise 😉 ).
It has become more challenging to keep an organisation aligned around a coherent understanding of what the business is and should be, since the external and internal eco-systems change at fast pace. This is one critical root cause of why change is so hard, because people are pulling in different directions, following their own interpretation (and being limited by their individual knowledge and competency). This critical alignment is the foundation for transformation that works.
The traditional mechanics to keep the organisation aligned, such as Strategy & Planning processes, annual kick-off events, trainings and leadership development seminars carry less impact, as they are often top-down, slow, and heavy to run. As a consequence, key concepts like the existing and future business models, financials, values, and principles for decision making are not always well understood in the sense that there is not a common understanding of the meaning and intent across the organization.,
When we explore the business system with our clients, we help everyone connect the dots between the strategic intent & expectations from the CEO, and the daily experience lived at work. This exploration leads to breaking down silos, creating a common language, and develop understanding across functions and teams. It also helps to discover the real critical problems, that then can be addressed by leaders from different parts of the organisation pulling in the same direction. We do not do that by forcing people to come to one single interpretation, but by facilitating free sharing, open communication for enabling team to find their common path to transformation together, and commit to it .
The outcome of the work is that everyone is equipped to improving both the business management system and the leadership system, making the organisation more efficient and effective in pursuing the business objectives.
Exploring the Business Experience would however be a theoretical exercise that leads nowhere, unless you integrate an exploration of the Human Experience into the work………..
Meaning, Behavior & Action
We all have a very rich life inside us, in our brains, in our bodies and in our hearts, that is only partially visible to others and even to ourselves. Emotional reactions: Anger, fear, sadness, enjoyment, disgust set the stage for entire dramas to play out in our minds. This drives behavior, and impacts business. Especially in times of change and disruption, that by definition triggers emotions, and adds to the mental charge. This is quite human, one cannot expect that everyone thinks and interprets things in the same way, as every individual is indeed unique.
To create conditions for good business, it is important to have an environment that is good for human beings. Trust, respect, empathy, vulnerability, psychological safety are not only buzzwords. An organisation and a leadership system that truly embodies these concepts, allow people to connect their inner lives to the business reality, and to behave and act in line with the business objectives. In this regard, we aim to meet people where they are at, without judgment. From that point, we can all go forward.
Much of this is invisible, some is taboo, and in many organisations, it is ignored. The inner life of people and teams is then not connected to the business experience. Sometimes they are set up as polarities. Business priorities vs. peoples needs. The consequences is inefficient organisations with high risk and low performance.
Our work on coaching, consulting, and learning about the human experience is based on the INSEAD Executive Master in Change, a 2-year transformative program on the underlying dynamics of organisations, coaching, consulting, and learning. The competency as well as ethics from this program provides a solid base for our practices, and a network of experts in this field. We anchor this INSEAD experience into business reality thanks to the operational experience of managing large organizations and businesses that our experts carry.
We help you explore and discover what the human experience is in your organisation, and how it is connected to the business experience. We help you revel those things that you do not know that you do not know. Things out of awareness. Things that you have not (yet) put words on.
The outcome of the insights you can gain from this work can be true breakthroughs in change, behavior, and culture, that enables business performance. It is also a mean to create a great place to work, improving wellbeing and addressing health issues.
Our Vision: A Dynamic Networked Organisation
When people in the Organisation is starting to do work to explore, understand and improve the business and the organisation, addressing issues and taking action, there is some magic happening under the surface.
In small increments, there is also a development towards a new way of working together. Mindsets shift from “I am executing my job-tasks” to “We are building something bigger together”. Communication is becoming a bit more fluid. Collaboration a bit more efficient and effective. Decisions get faster and better.
This evolution allows the people in the Organisation to take on bigger and bigger challenges over time, of how to compete in the market, shift to new business models, and continuously transform and change the business system and the organisation.
This represents a real culture shift and on organisation evolution that happens over time. It is not something that can happen overnight, no matter how much time, money and effort is put into it. But over time it will happen when it is managed systematically. And this is what we do. We always keep a long-term direction in mind, so that all the short-term initiatives helps contributing to a long-term evolution.
When you invest in connecting the business and human experience, over time you will get a culture shift and organisational evolution towards an organisation that is able to re-shape itself, react to change in its environment, and proactively develop the necessary capabilities to thrive.
Imagine Organisations where individuals and teams collaborate effectively. Where initiatives are taken, and where decisions are made and acted on swiftly. Imagine a workplace where people ask themselves the right questions and help each other to see how they can contribute to create value in their role. A place where empowerment, responsibility, and competency development of everyone goes hand in hand with the CEO agenda.
In such an Organisation there is less needs for costly transformation programs and external consultants hired to shake things up. There is employees that take charge to get things done. There is less absence and health issues. There are people feeling truly engaged in the work. There is less problems and more time and budget to develop strengths and help people prosper.
In such an organisation there is a very natural connection between the Business Experience and the Human Experience, one enabling the other. We design our projects as an emulation of a future potential new way of working that we instill from day one to our clients’ teams. In our Vision, we call that future state a Dynamic Networked Organisation. Our highest hope is that organisations can provide a positive Hybrid Experience for all it’s employees. We know it is possible to do so.
Address: 24 Rue du Cendrier 1201 Genève.
Phone: +41782097833