Managers are Heroes

Great managers make complex system work. This is craft!
The task of management is to set up a structure that allows the people to do their job well, so that the organization can realize the Vision and execute the Mission of the company. This is a real challenge: An organisation is a complex system, but the structure needs to be simple and clear.
It is also difficult because the world is changing. The expectations on companies, and therefore organisations, are changing. And as if this is not enough, the system itself (your organization) is made up of highly volatile and unpredictable elements, such as new technologies, and human beings…
We are highly passionate about management, and we have developed our concepts, our thought leadership and our tools over many years. We have done it in operational roles, with clients, through consulting, training, academics and trials and errors… the result is an approach that allows us to make it work for you, so you can make it work for your clients.
A systemic and systematic approach
For many good reasons, even high performing organizations with competent Managers and Leaders have weak areas (one of the good reasons is that organisations are composed of human beings. As humans we have blind spots, biases and emotions that make everything more complicated). We take both a systematic and systemic approach to understand the organization and to define solutions together with our customers to make the organisation function better.
Pragmatic tools for action
Understanding the Management system as a whole is needed to be able to make improvements in any area of the organization. But brining change is about execution ‘on the floor” or “in the field”, and this is not an intellectual affair. Our management tools are designed to bring change and action. The design is ensuring strategic alignment, and the usage is pragmatic and drives the right behavior.


Experiments, Experience and Evolution
The work on our management model was originated by Pierre Montmartin many years ago, where he developed tools such as “From SWOT to SPOT™” and “Dynamic Role™”. Over the past decade the concepts, methods and tools have evolved through exchange between Victor and Pierre, in client projects and in R&D activities.
While there has been a lot of change in the world, and in management, some principles never change. What changes is how you apply the principles in a new or changing context. Take the good old SWOT for example. The principle that it may be a good idea to understand your internal capabilities (strengths and weakness) and your external ecosystem (Opportunities and Threats) will always be relevant. However, SWOT used to be a tool for data and information collection in a predictable environment, to make rational decisions of where to allocate resources. This application may be quite obsolete today, as most of us are in a highly unpredictable environment.
But, if you repurpose SWOT, and fill it with assumptions, hypothesis, questions and crazy ideas instead… then you get a very powerful tool to run experiments, create organisational learning, and create dynamic alignment™ between teams…