Re-Wire the Organisation

Enable new communication paths and workflows!

The Organisation – A Dynamic System

How the organisation actually function on a daily basis may be quite different from how organisation charts are drawn, and job descriptions are written up.

When you look at the organization as a living, dynamic organism, it opens up for a whole new world of opportunities to shape how work is being done, and how the organisation execute the mission that you are on.

Exploring and discovering how roles are inhabited and taken in the context of the daily work to be executed provides practical insight in what needs to change, from the mind-set and attitude among collaborators, to the tasks, relationships and deliverables produced at any level in the organization.

This is where you find the answers that makes change happen. Engaging in this effort collectively creates a common understanding of how the organisation needs to function to reach the set objectives, and it leads to immediate action and change of behavior. The long-term impact is that it creates a shared framework for continuous evolution of how the organization operates, adapting to a constantly changing environment.

The organisation and its members continuously shape each other through every single interaction that happens, intentionally or not.

The Psychology & Management of Roles

We tackle the topic of organisation from several different angles. We draw on “systems psychodynamics” – how the psychology of individuals and groups play out in organisations, specifically in relation to the roles in the organization. We connect the understanding of the underlying psychology to practical management frameworks and tools to shape roles and organizations.

This work is also integrated and connected with change, transition and transformation work done, to allow the organisation to evolve in harmony with the change ambitions of the company. This work is highly complementary to work done to define and implement organizational models, job descriptions and competency framework in place or part of transformation programs.

Looking at the role as dynamic, constantly in evolution, and subject to influence both from the outside (the organization or the entire ecosystem) and from the inside (the person holding the role) opens up for opportunities to change, grow and thrive. Making the evolution, and the role “negotiation” explicit and visible, instead of implicit and subtle, allows to take action for immediate change.

When we expand the work into analyzing the larger organisation, mapping out deliverables, dependencies and relationships, we enable both individuals and teams to make the connection between the high level strategy laid out (new business model, new operating model, new expectations etc) and how they could or should do their job differently.


Change efforts easily fall victim of organisational inertia. Transformation programs and change initiatives lay out how the organization should function differently, but the change never materialize, because people do not question and actively change their informal roles, their relationships, and their tasks.


Taking deliberate action to explore, discover and re-think roles brings the immediate benefits of closer-knit teams, building bridges across functions and establishing virtual networks at the service of the company mission. Over time, the organization learns to evolve how it works “by itself”, adapting to the ever-changing environment in real time.

How we help

We work with the framework for Roles & Organization in a wide range of settings, from standalone exploration workshops to generate awareness of big picture changes, to change management activities supporting transformation, implementing new organisational and operating models, and as problem solving and implementation activities to make change happen.

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